Internet Info 1994 March
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Newsgroups: alt.religion.all-worlds,alt.answers,news.answers
Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!usc!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!decwrl!netcomsv!netcom.com!torin
From: torin@netcom.com (Darren/Torin/Who ever...)
Subject: Church of All Worlds FAQ Part 4/7
Message-ID: <torinCnrtKs.I8E@netcom.com>
Followup-To: alt.religion.all-worlds
Summary: This posting contains a general outline about the Church of
All Worlds, a neo-pagan church and alt.religion.all-worlds.
It is *not* for all religions. It should be read by anyone
who wishes to post to alt.religion.all-worlds.
Reply-To: c-a-w@netcom.com
Organization: Church of All Worlds
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 1994 05:22:04 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Expires: Wed, 4 May 1994 05:00:00 GMT
Lines: 98
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu alt.religion.all-worlds:679 alt.answers:2338 news.answers:17685
Archive-name: church_all_worlds/part4
Alt-religion-all-worlds-archive-name: FAQ-part4
Last-modified: Thu, 24 Mar 1994
B. What is the philosophical emphasis of CAW?
CAW is forward looking. Many members are generally pro-
science, pro-space and pro-technology. Most members do have
concerns about appropriateness of technology, scientific ethics
and ethics in application of science and technology, in
particular as these effect Gaia, the environment and the human
From Otter Zell:
The CAW Mission Statement is: "to evolve a network of
information, mythology and experience that provides a context
and stimulus for reawakening Gaia, and reuniting Her children
through tribal community dedicated to responsible stewardship
and evolving consciousness." We are fairly all-embracing in
promoting general Pagan and Gaian lifestyles and values. We
advocate basic feminist and environmentalist principles,
including freedom of reproductive choice, ordination of women as
Priestesses, sacred sexuality, alternate relationships, gay and
lesbian rights, legalization and utilization of hemp products,
protection and restoration of endangered species, wilderness
sanctuaries, green politics, etc. We are also engaged in
restoring ancient Mysteries and rituals, such as the Eleusinia
and Panathenaia.
Our mythealogy is based on the Gaia Thesis --- that all
Earthly life, us included, comprises a single great organism,
the living body of Mother Earth, known as "Gaia" to the ancient
Greeks. Our Goddess is the very Soul of Nature! And our
vision of the future evolution of this life-stream includes
what Dane Rudyar has called "the planetarization of
consciousness," and Teilhard de Chardin terms "the Omega
Point." This implies the linking up of all sentients into a
"global brain" wherein a vast single consciousness emerges,
just as we ourselves individually attain such consciousness
sometime during our first year of life. Thus will allow Gaia
to come fully into wakefulness, where now She but slumbers (and
With this ultimate vision, CAW has goals far greater than
merely establishing nice, neat, little encapsulated "nests,"
meeting monthly or so and unconnected with the rest of our
world. For many Pagan groups and Wiccan covens, that is
adequate, but we Waterkin have a much larger vision: to reunite
the scattered children of Gaia, and bring the whole Family back
together again!
Thousands of years ago, there was a messy divorce between
our Earthly Mother and the alien Step-Father Sky God who had
displaced our true Father and raped our Mother into a forced
marriage. Some of the children sided with the Step-Father and
went with Him. Others remained with the Mother, to be bullied
and persecuted for centuries by our former brothers (and even
some of our sisters). It is time for this separation to end.
The word religion comes from roots meaning "re-linking."
We have been divided and conquered. Our world has been split
between Heaven and Earth, matter and spirit, men and women,
humanity and Nature, body and soul, the darkness and the light.
Western civilization is intrinsically alienating and alienated
from the rest of the life-stream. The true function of
religion is to heal that alienation, those splits, and achieve
reunification. It is ironic that, in fact, much of the
divisiveness has actually been caused by "churchianity" acting
in the name of religion! But Paganism isn't merely another
religion among many; Paganism is religion --- in the very truest
sense of the word. Our task is to bring together, and to heal.
Hatred divides us; love unites us. Thus we must forge
bonds of love and kinship with each other, even outside our own
faiths. We must ever widen our already far-flung network of
magical lovers. Though we must of necessity maintain a certain
wary distrust of those whose beliefs require them to subjugate
all dissidents, still we must whenever possible seek common
ground upon which to build our new temples of the spirit. We
must not merely "tolerate" diversity --- we must cherish it,
celebrate it, and revel in it!
For after all, are we not all children of the same
Thou art God; Thou art Goddess!
Note from Torin:
In the above, Otter speaks of a global mind of Gaia. This is
*not* some monolithic construct wherein all personality is lost
and individuality is crushed. I (and at least some others) a
conceive of it as a global linking of all minds. No longer
would speech be an impediment to voicing ones inner thoughts.
One could speak the thought and all nuances, flavors and
textures would go along with it. Such would be the re-linking.